Annual Events

Annual Function 2023-24

School’s annual day celebration is a milestone that marks the success and progress of the academic year. PP Savani Vidhya Sankul CBSE celebrated its Annual day on 1st and 2nd February 2024.  With vibrant themes of Keshav Katha- Niyati Krishna ki and Roots to wings- Gatha Swarnim Bharat ki aimed to imbibe the values of rich Indian heritage and culture in young Savanians!

Mr. Vallabhbhai Savani (chairman), Mr. Harshadbhai Rajyaguru (secretary), Mr. Himmatbhai Savani (trustee), Mr, Jaimin Rajyaguru (trustee), Mrs. Dhara Rajyaguru (special guest), Mr. Hardik Rajyaguru (special guest), Mr. Pranay Jardosh (Director academics & operations) and other School Principals graced the occasion with their presence to applaud the efforts of the team CBSE!

The show commenced with pearls of wisdom by exceedingly experienced Principal Dr. Harish Chandra Khichi. More than 1500 students participated in four grand shows across two days!

On the day 1 The feeling of pride soared higher with each nationalistic dance performance unfolding the theme Saga Swarnim Bharat ki presented by the students of classes III to V

The portrayal of the life of Krishna was beautifully woven into graceful dances depicting the journey from Baal Leela to the Gita Saar by students of the class Nursery to II on the second day of the event.

4000+ parents witnessed a plethora of poignant singing, powerful drama acts and colourful dance performances.

The program was a great success under the guidance of the Principal Sir, Head Mistress, Co-ordinators & Teachers.

 The zillion words of appreciation that followed the shows as Parental feedback verifies the saying, “A team that works together shines together!”


02/02/2023, Friday, 10:00 AM TO 12:30 PM, CLASS : 3 & 4 A, B & C

02/02/2023, Friday, 03:00 PM TO 05:30 PM, CLASS : 4 D, E & F, 5


03/02/2023, SATURDAY, 10:00 AM TO 12:30 PM, CLASS : NURSERY TO SR. KG.

03/02/2023, SATURDAY, 03:00 PM TO 05:30 PM, CLASS : 1 & 2