Head Mistress

Mrs. Binal Desai

Head Mistress

Young children are learning sponges. Every new experience, every word they learn, every behavior they adopt, is an investment in a more fruitful future.

We at PP SAVANI CHAITNYA VIDHYA SANKUL, understand the essence of investing time and efforts in young learners so as to maximize their prospects of budding into responsible citizens of tomorrow.

The school robustly believes that Primary education is miles beyond just teaching the literacy and numeracy fundamentals. The curriculum framework should focus on creating an enthusiasm for lifelong learning, imbibing the values of cooperation and respect for the diversity. Hands on activities and beyond the books, stance is the core highlight of the academic approach at PPSCVS. The school’s unsurpassed mentoring approach is a conglomeration of the best learning philosophies!

The emotional bonds that children will form with their teachers as primary grade learners and their first learning experiences will be inscribed in their psych and cherished for years to come.

It takes a big heart to shape a little mind! Every learner entering the gates of our school gets engraved in our hearts forever!

Mrs. Binal Desai
Head Mistress